Delicious, the popular bookmarking and content curation service, provides several options to help you quickly save web pages to your online bookmarks. They have dedicated extensions for all major desktop browsers and also a JavaScript bookmarklet that can be used for saving links on all the other browsers.
These options aren’t however convenient for delicious users who would like to bookmark web pages from their mobile phones. That’s because the extensions (or add-ons) aren’t compatible with mobile browsers and it takes too much effort to install a bookmarklet.
Fortunately, delicious now provides you can easily option to bookmark web pages by email. Just go to the settings page and choose a unique email address for your delicious account. You’ll then be able to bookmark any web page by simply sending the link of that page to your email address as show in the next screenshot.
The subject of the email message becomes the bookmark title while the URL should be provided in the message body. The delicious team says you can also add tags, comments and even specify if the bookmark should be made private at the time of saving.These options aren’t however convenient for delicious users who would like to bookmark web pages from their mobile phones. That’s because the extensions (or add-ons) aren’t compatible with mobile browsers and it takes too much effort to install a bookmarklet.
Fortunately, delicious now provides you can easily option to bookmark web pages by email. Just go to the settings page and choose a unique email address for your delicious account. You’ll then be able to bookmark any web page by simply sending the link of that page to your email address as show in the next screenshot.
In that case, the syntax of the message body would be something like this:
Tags: screencast, youtube
Comment: Watch this video later
Private: Yes
This is helpful but I wish the email based bookmarking mechanism of delicious was a little more smart – you just send across a URL and it should automatically fetch the page title and excerpt into the bookmark. Instapaper does this quite well.