Dear Visitors Today we share some facts News about USA and China Relationship, Obama President of America and China Governmental. China is worried that the U.S. will default on the $1 trillion loan China gave us to, among other things, build McMansions and sell them to each other.
If China gets too worried, they'll stop lending us more money to pay ourselves while no one is buying McMansions, and interest rates will skyrocket, screwing us. So Obama is trying to assure China president Wen Jiabao that we're good for the money.
Which we probably are. In nominal dollars. But wait until we get through inflating our way out of the problem.
If China gets too worried, they'll stop lending us more money to pay ourselves while no one is buying McMansions, and interest rates will skyrocket, screwing us. So Obama is trying to assure China president Wen Jiabao that we're good for the money.
Which we probably are. In nominal dollars. But wait until we get through inflating our way out of the problem.